New York might have avoided becoming the US epicenter


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
[h=1]New York might have avoided becoming the US epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak if Gov. Cuomo hadn't reportedly dismissed shelter-at-home advice[/h]
[FONT=&quot]San Francisco Mayor London Breed was more receptive to advice from public health experts than was New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Breed issued a local emergency order after the first confirmed case was found in San Francisco. New York had 100 reported cases before de Blasio followed suit.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]And Breed reportedly sent a copy of the shelter-in-place order that went into effect on March 17 to de Blasio in case it could be of use. When de Blasio shared the order with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the governor reportedly derided the order and said that the term "shelter in place" sounded "like it was a response to a nuclear apocalypse" and would scare people.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Cuomo also reportedly questioned whether it was within de Blasio's jurisdiction to even issue a stay-at-home order.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"No city in the state can quarantine itself without state approval," Cuomo reportedly said. "I have no plan whatsoever to quarantine any city."

Cuomo eventually locked down the state of New York on March 22, but the delay is likely a contributing factor as to why the state has become the US epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak[/FONT]
Sep 21, 2004
Dec 11, 2006
blah blah blah

Let's quit pointing fingers for the initial response. Everyone was ill prepared for what the health experts originally predicted. But the health experts were wrong.

Now IS the time to point fingers at the Governors who are slow walking their reopenings.

Cuomo is one. He cut the hearts out of upstate NY tourism by announcing that Saratoga will not be open to the public this year (many many small businesses).

My Governor, has yet to announce even one reopening and here we are in Mid May. Charlie Loser Baker.

It is now that the leadership gets defined. Not at the beginning of this mess when they ALL did the wrong things.
Sep 21, 2004
[ It's so bad even DemoScums are calling for an investigation against the scum bag ]

Andrew Cuomo Scrambles to Change Nursing Home Virus Policies as Democrats Call for Independent Investigation

(screenshot/MSNBC)AARON KLEIN15 May 2020

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo finds himself engulfed in scandal as a growing number of Democrats join state Republicans in demanding an independent investigation into his controversial policies and how questionable actions may might have contributed to the catastrophic outbreak of coronavirus in New York nursing homes.
More details have emerged in recent days raising major questions about potentially fatal decisions made under Cuomo’s watch as the death toll in New York’s nursing homes swells to over 5300 and continues to climb.

The center of the storm surrounds a controversial March 25 directive prohibiting nursing homes from testing recovering hospital patients prior to intake. This while Cuomo’s aides reportedly quietly worked to shield nursing homes from lawsuits due to coronavirus following lobbying by industry representatives.
The March 25 executive order in question stated, “[nursing homes] are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”
Last week, New York suddenly disclosed more than 1,700 previously unreported deaths at nursing homes and adult care facilities. An Associate Press tally put the number of nursing home virus deaths at over 5300. Elderly care fatalities in New York have reportedly been on the rise by an average of 20 to 25 deaths per day for several weeks.
Cuomo is under more scrutiny after the New York Times revealed that his aides “quietly inserted a provision on Page 347 of New York’s final, voluminous budget bill” that provided what the newspaper characterized as “unusual legal protections” for nursing home operators.
The measure, which followed intensive lobbying efforts by nursing home representatives, protected elderly care facilities from lawsuits in the event that they are accused of failing to protect residents from coronavirus. The legislation was included inside a budget that was approved by the State Legislature on April 2.
In other words, after an executive order seemingly ensuring that nursing homes can continue to be filled with clients by barring testing for incoming residents, Cuomo’s aides reportedly quietly shielded those same homes from many lawsuits arising from coronavirus outbreaks.
Amid the ensuing outcry, Cuomo established an inquiry under the auspices of his own health department as well as the office of New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat. That led to Republicans calling for an independent probe.
Now some Democrats are joining the Republican chorus demanding an independent investigation.
New York Assemblyman Ron Kim, a Democrat, savaged Cuomo on Twitter:

The governor’s flip-flopping policies on nursing homes must be held accountable. First, they tried to keep the virus out by denying access. Then they tell unprepared facilities to take in #COVID19 patients. Now they are back to keeping the virus out again …

Coronavirus patients are being readmitted to NY nursing homes

New York Governor Cuomo revealed he was unaware of a state policy that permits nursing home residents to be readmitted to their institutions, even after testing positive for coronavirus.

The profit-driven nursing home model was already broken way before this pandemic and everyone knew this, including @NYStateofHealth

So why would you send #COVID19 patients back to these under-equipped facilities? This was arguably the deadliest decision in American history.

“It’s fine to have the Health Department and the attorney general looking at what individual nursing homes are doing. But there needs to be a professional review of not only the industry as a whole but what the Department of Health has been doing, both leading up to this situation and in the midst of this situation,” said New York Assemblyman Richard Gottfried, a Democrat. “Certainly, it would be wrong for the Department of Health to be charged with examining itself.”
“The attorney general should bring in outside counsel,” said Gottfried.
State Sen. Gustavo Rivera, a Democrat from the Bronx, said the State Legislature should investigate.
“I strongly believe that the Legislature is one of the key entities that should look into this issue, which has devastated so many families across our state,” said Rivera, chairman of the Senate Health Committee. “It is imperative to hold public hearings as soon as possible to get to the bottom of what truly happened at our state’s nursing homes as the COVID-19 pandemic developed.”
The massive number of dead prompted Cuomo earlier this week to issue a series of new regulations, including requiring staff at all nursing homes to take two virus tests per week. He also said that hospitals can no longer send coronavirus patients to nursing homes.
“We’re just not going to send a person who is positive to a nursing home after hospital visit. Period. If there’s any issue, the resident must be referred to the department of health which will find alternative care,” Cuomo further explained on Sunday.
An aide to Cuomo claimed the announcement was not a reversal, insisting instead it was a new policy based on the increased availability of testing and more hospital space.
Dec 11, 2006
I thought he was gonna be Biden's successor. Guess not.

Shine those commie boots back up, Bernie.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I'm not going to blame anybody, we've never done this before, hindsight is 20/20

Having said that, these losers trying to blame Trump is beyond juvenile. And the difference between us and them is that their target audience are a bunch or morons that believe and regurgitate every baseless accusation

Be better, that's our responsibility

Sep 20, 2004
blah blah blah

Let's quit pointing fingers for the initial response. Everyone was ill prepared for what the health experts originally predicted. But the health experts were wrong.

Now IS the time to point fingers at the Governors who are slow walking their reopenings.

Cuomo is one. He cut the hearts out of upstate NY tourism by announcing that Saratoga will not be open to the public this year (many many small businesses).

My Governor, has yet to announce even one reopening and here we are in Mid May. Charlie Loser Baker.

It is now that the leadership gets defined. Not at the beginning of this mess when they ALL did the wrong things.

Perfect response

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
blah blah blah

Let's quit pointing fingers for the initial response. Everyone was ill prepared for what the health experts originally predicted. But the health experts were wrong.

Now IS the time to point fingers at the Governors who are slow walking their reopenings.

Cuomo is one. He cut the hearts out of upstate NY tourism by announcing that Saratoga will not be open to the public this year (many many small businesses).

My Governor, has yet to announce even one reopening and here we are in Mid May. Charlie Loser Baker.

It is now that the leadership gets defined. Not at the beginning of this mess when they ALL did the wrong things.

Hope a few are running this year, want to see the beatdowns on election night

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
I'm not going to blame anybody, we've never done this before, hindsight is 20/20

Having said that, these losers trying to blame Trump is beyond juvenile. And the difference between us and them is that their target audience are a bunch or morons that believe and regurgitate every baseless accusation

Be better, that's our responsibility

This is a really great point. People blaming politicians for these things total losers.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004

Feb 2, 2010
I thought he was gonna be Biden's successor. Guess not.

Shine those commie boots back up, Bernie.

No way the DNC puts this hack out there. They might be desperate, but I dont know if it's that bad.

It would totally kill their mute talking point of how Trump handled the Kung Flu. However bad you believe Trumps response to be, this clown is 100000%x worse.

I am sure some of the brainless lemmings will say different because their master told them what to believe.

Dec 21, 2007
I'm not going to blame anybody, we've never done this before, hindsight is 20/20

Having said that, these losers trying to blame Trump is beyond juvenile. And the difference between us and them is that their target audience are a bunch or morons that believe and regurgitate every baseless accusation

Be better, that's our responsibility
I can absolutely agree with this...

I am not saying Trump is a saint and always right...But I believe he has handled this situation about as good as anyone would.

Anyone blaming him for this pandemic is ridiculous...

I must say Trump has absolutely owned the Democrats and they are becoming very very desperate.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Feb 6, 2007
Absolutely. Nobody should be blaming Trump for anything. The guy had this all planned out. He saw it coming from miles away. No one else did. This administration was very timely. Everything they did was extraordinary. They were very transparent and honest. Told us exactly what we needed to hear. That this was a political hoax designed to take down our savior. The democrats made up everything with China. It was the Obamas, it was the Bushes, it was the Clinton’s. All in bed with China trying to take out jobs and give them to foreigners.

The deep state trying to stop Trump. It was them who said this wasn’t a big deal. It was them who failed us preparing for Corona. It was Obama who fired his own pandemic team in 2018. They are the ones to blame.


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
[h=1]Andrew Cuomo is no hero. He's to blame for New York's coronavirus catastrophe[/h]
[FONT=&quot]The governor has failed to take responsibility for the obvious failures, consistently blaming others and at one point even saying “[/FONT]governors don’t do pandemics[FONT=&quot]”. (Actually, some governors just don’t read their state’s pandemic plans)

[FONT=&quot]The [/FONT]mask mural[FONT=&quot] is yet another publicity stunt mistaken by the press as a sign of leadership. On 29 April, Cuomo unveiled a wall of handmade cloth masks that had been sent to his office by concerned citizens all over America. He called it “a self-portrait of America. You know what that spells? It spells love.” Since the arrangement of masks doesn’t form words, the mural doesn’t actually spell anything, but it is a perfect symbol of Cuomo’s leadership failures. Handmade cloth face coverings are not as effective as N95 masks, of course, but if unsuitable for healthcare workers they would still have been perfectly appropriate to distribute to New Yorkers (some of whom have been brutally [/FONT]arrested[FONT=&quot] for not wearing masks). But Cuomo, rather than putting the needs of New Yorkers first, chose to tack hundreds of cloth masks on a wall as a monument to himself
[FONT=&quot]Cuomo’s record was shameful long before coronavirus began. He enabled the IDC (Independent Democratic Conference), a group of conservative Democratic state lawmakers, in allying with the Republican minority to block progressive legislation. (Cuomo denies any role in the IDC, but [/FONT]that stretches credulity[FONT=&quot].) Before the pandemic, he pushed through [/FONT]Medicaid cuts[FONT=&quot]which shut down necessary hospital space in the name of “efficiency” despite the warnings of medical professionals. And on 3 April, as 3,000 New Yorkers already lay dead from the virus and hospitals like [/FONT]Elmhurst[FONT=&quot] in Queens were overwhelmed with cases, Cuomo forced through further Medicaid cuts, slashing [/FONT]$400m[FONT=&quot] from hospital budgets.
[FONT=&quot]As the state now staggers to its feet, Cuomo has partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to “reimagine education” (which almost certainly means privatization), and with the ex-Google chief Eric Schmidt to – as Naomi Klein puts it – “permanently integrat[e] technology into every aspect of civic life”. All of this has happened without the democratic input of New Yorkers, who would likely prefer that the progressive legislators they elected could govern without interference, that their hospitals have enough money to function and that billionaires don’t infiltrate and control every element of civic life.[/FONT]



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